Shri Sewa : The Spirit of service

Shri Sewa : The Spirit of service

Shri Sewa : The Spirit of service

"The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others", greatly said by Mahatma Gandhi.

Seva is not a compulsory duty, it should happen naturally to serve others . Sometimes, several questions arise in our mind that, Why and

What do we need if we do seva? Do we need .... Money? Material?

And the answer is as honest-to-goodness, it is done.... just to refine our mind that we should do seva; to remove the adulteration, foulness,etc.

As purity leads to unity, which finally leads to divinity. That is why, the seva that we do is, only to reach divinity through harmony.

Of course, money or material are required but these are not as important; instead what is required is a pure heart.

So a pure heart which is full of love and faithfulness is the highest accomplishment we need to do seva and most significant thing that should be in a person's soul, 'To live is to love; you live so that you may learn to love and you love so that you may learn to live'.

Seva doesn't means to donate something , but there must be a spirit inside our mind to do a service which evolves in many aspects of nature. So

do you have a spirit of service?

Ask yourself, in a whole day, have you?????

Been polite to someone or Made someone’s day with a small act of kindness?

Expressed your gratefulness and thankfulness for the life you have?

Made someone laugh or smile?

Fought for an idea, policy or project that would have a positive impact on people’s lives?

Stood up for someone?

Reached to help someone who is hardworking or making every efforts?

So, by doing seva, we fill ourselves with the divine essence of life, which is Love and that attitude of love can only be derived from the inner satisfaction.

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