Vijay Arora Diary
Vijay Arora

Learn from your mistakes, failures, and move ahead.

In 1981, there was a professor in US who used to teach ceramics. He did an experiment. He divided his class into two groups and gave them 10 days of time. To the first group, he gave a task of making just one perfect pot. Only one and to the other group he asked to make as many pots as possible without worrying about the quality.

Both the groups started their work. After seeing the results after 10 days the professor got surprised. The second group not only made more pots than the first group but every pot was better looking and almost perfect.

Everyone was thinking that how did this happen? Do you know how did this happen?

The first group was stuck on the point that how to make one perfect pot? They spend the entire time in perfection. But the other group tried and made bad pots. They improved on it. Tried and made the pots again. They failed but improved. And in this way learning from their mistakes they made beautiful pots.

So that is why do not be scared of your mistakes. Don't run away from your mistakes. Learn from your mistakes, failures, and move ahead.

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