Gaur Gopal Das Diary
Gaur Gopal Das

How to Balance your Passion and Profession

How many of you have felt at some point, that you would have been better off doing something else? How many of you ended up taking a job that you don't like but it pays you well? How many of you are doing a job that neither pays you well nor do you like it? How many of you wanted to pursue something you were passionate about but are now stuck in a job that you hate doing? On an average over 80% of professionals around the world today are not happy with their work. But my question is, if your job pays you well, is it ok to overlook the satisfaction you get from it? is it ok to forget your passion and countinue slogging in a job that you don't like?

Here's my answer: Assuming that you spend on an average about 8 hrs a day at work and work a 5 days week. That would mean spending 40 hrs of your week at work. Now assuming that you get 2 weeks of holiday every year. That would mean spending 2000 hrs of your year at work. Does that sound a lot! Well. Let's keep going! Assuming that you spend 45 years of your life working, that would mean spending a dounting 90,000 precious hrs of your life at work, which is approximately 10 years of your life. And if you are not happy with your work, guess what?

you end up spending: 8 Hrs of your day, 40 Hrs of your week, 2000 Hrs of your year, 90,000 Hrs of your life, IN MISERY.

Not sure if that's a great deal! I know what you are thinking? Following your passion doesn't pay tha bills, your calling doesn't clear the loans and mortgages. After all those who slog it out, are the ones who have better cars, better houses, better holidays, a better life!

A better life??? Well debatable isn't it? I completely understand and agree that you can't quit your current job? because you have real need's in the real world. But at the same time I am also asking you, whether its fair to spend 10 years of your life in pain? I know that those of you who are watching this video are shouting enough of math sir. Please tell us whats the way out.

Here's my proposal: Don't take the risk of quitting your current job to follow your passion. What if the passion stuff doesn't work? Who will pay the bills, Your passion? But at the same time don't neglect your passion and be a nervous wreck at work. Try and find the right balance.

Step: 01 - If not everything, IDENTIFY some part of your current work that you may possibly develop some liking for. That will make your 40 hrs a week a little less painful than now. No one has a perfect job exactly like no one has a perfect partner in marriage. But when you identify those aspects of your spouse that you love and connect to that, the elements that you don't necessarily like in you spouse become a little easy to handle. Deal with your job the way you deal with your spouse. Focus on and highlight the positives and work through the negatives.

Step: 02 - Start pursuing your passion side by side. May be its very small in the beginning. Maybe it can be done only over the weekend. But when you do what you love, not only will you find deep satisfaction, but also the ability to handle what you have to do at work through the week. And you know what, may be, one day your passion will become your profession giving you fulfilment and the money needed to live in the real world. In other words, Let's try to love the work that we have to do everyday and also have, side by side, the work that we love to do, even if it is just a tiny bit.

Love What You Have, Have What you love

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